Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008 Highlights

Seeing Santa...

Baking Cookies ...



Football with Uncle Ted...

Santa brought the Wii, and the Redskins Uniform

and legos...

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Perfect Christmas Picture

Every year it's the same. I pick a night to take the Christmas card picture. I put the kids in their brand-spankin'-new Christmas pajamas. I hear some grunts and groans from my oldest, but I win the battle. I pose them in front of the newly trimmed tree, pull over the chair my husband's grandfather made him when John was a little boy. I promise chocolate if they'll be quiet. I promise an evening of television if they'll sit still. I promise a later bedtime if they smile. I promise them candy for dinner if they are quiet, still and smiling all at the same time. And so it goes...


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Send Help

I drove to my parent's house today to visit, but also to drop my 3 youngest children there for a few days. A little mom-mom and pop boot camp, if you will. Since my husband and I are hosting a big Christmas party tomorrow night we wanted to have some time to prepare (read: blog).

While I was there my father gave me this green sign, SEND HELP. He thought it fit me perfectly, since I'm usually drowning in my motherly responsibilities. He was cracking up, as was I. So on the 2 hour drive home I decided to change my Blog to more adequately represent this neon green sign. Because I am searching for reinforcements, in the form of other moms/women/working moms and women/parents/crazies like myself.

Would I be considered overly neurotic to change my blog name and title after only one day? It probably doesn't matter, since I can't figure out how to change the blog address anyway.

Update: My technologically talented husband just fixed it for me...goodbye treasures, hello help!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Talk to me on the Bus

At this moment I have Christmas shopping to do, Christmas cards to send out, cookie exchange baking, thank you notes to write, work to do, housework to tackle, and a Christmas party for 60 people in 2 days, and a husband working on the opposite coast. Am I doing any of these things? No. I am creating a blog.

I'm not sure what I'm thinking creating a blog. My friends have blogs, and I love reading them. And people I don't know have blogs and I love reading them. These blogs are mostly women, mostly moms, and mostly happy. That's me too. These blogs inspire me, educate me, make me laugh and in some cases make me cry. I'm not sure that's me, but I can give it a try.

But I struggle with some, how should I put it...self confidence issues. When I was in 8th grade my bestest friend, with whom I went to school and rode the bus, told me (on the bus) that she could only talk to me on the bus, where the popular girls wouldn't see her mingling with the rif-raf (ok, I made up the rif-raf part, but the rest is true). I know most girls had some nasty girl run in growing up, this was one of mine. It sticks with you, it does. So of course I'm afraid the bloggers won't like me, and they'll tell other bloggers not to talk to me, and then my best friend bloggers will only be able to read my blog in the middle of the night, and will only be able to post as anonymous...but I'm goin' for it anyway!

Happy blogging, I'll see you on the bus.